• This Is What I Asked For

    “It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.”  – William Ernest Henley, Invictus A phrase has been repeating itself very loudly in my head the past few weeks, since the first of the year really, “This is… Continue reading

  • Be Pro Stuff

    In 2018 I took a job that had me move out of my home town. A place I had lived, outside of 6 years of college, for nearly three decades at that point. It was a good opportunity, provided a far better situation than that one I was in. It was a $13K increase in… Continue reading

  • Keep Going

    “Every new pursuit involves learning new expectations, patterns, habits, rhythms, and arts, and this learning curve can often feel overwhelming. But discomfort is not necessarily the feeling of having taken the wrong path; it’s the sensation of the effort inevitably required in clearing a new one.” – Brett & Kate McCay, The Art of Manliness, Sunday Firesides:… Continue reading

  • Be Proud

    Like this, don’t like that. Read this, don’t read that. Eat here, not there. If you support this team, wear this brand, or use these products, then you’re cool. If you don’t, then you’re ostracized. You see this everywhere. From the neighborhood you grew up in and the sports team that you’re supposed to support… Continue reading

  • Walk Away

    In Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill, the author spends the first 25-30% of the book detailing his personal journey. How he went from a conversation with Dale Carnegie to writing his philosophy on personal success a couple decades later. Today, most think of Hill as a wildly successful author and one of key figures on the… Continue reading

  • Selective Anarchy

    Route is life. Until it isn’t. Having a routine is great, admirable, praise worthy. The discipline and ability to stick to a schedule and knock out the daily tasks is what will separate you from the masses. Singular focus. Dedicated, intentional action. Working every day to get a little bit better than the day before. It’s… Continue reading

  • 2023 In Review

    A little over a year ago, a close friend challenged me to take some time and write out everything that I had accomplished the year prior. It was one of the most impactful pieces of writing I have ever done. And it was the birth of what has become this site and everything that comes next. At the… Continue reading

  • Vestis Virum Facit

    Wear a mask for too long can affect one’s own self-perception. The word person comes from the Latin persona, which originally meant false face, or mask, referring to what actors wore in the Roman theatre. The mask becomes the person. For others, but also for oneself. After all, we shape our identity, in part, according to the perception others… Continue reading

  • Be Bored

    Bill Gates, one of the most objectively successful people on the planet, openly discusses new lessons he still learns to this day. One of the most impactful recent lessons he has shared came from Warren Buffett: the power of not over scheduling yourself. It is a popular belief today that in order to get ahead… Continue reading

  • Failure

    “Do you even need to be unkillable? They didn’t touch you.” “It’s amazing how your choices change when you cannot die.” Meridian/Mia Mizoguchi asks Zealot, Birds of Prey Vol 5 003 Failure is the greatest teacher anyone could hope to have. Failure teaches us what does not work. It teaches where we are strong, and… Continue reading

About Me

Writer | Fitness enthusiast | Comic book lover | Helping others find their path in life


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